Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My biggest problem is...


Yes. She's a moron. Yes. She's annoying. Yes. She's the evil thing that won't go away.

I think I literally hate her. Which is saying a lot. I don't actually hate many things. Especially people. But her... Yeah. I hate her.

Yesterday was possibly the most frustrating day I've had in a long time, and I'm tired of her pawing everything off on the other tellers. She just happens to have to go into Shari's office when someone comes in with a lot of money. She just happens to think her book is more important than helping customers in the lobby. She also happens to be WRONG. And I'm about ready to do something about it. If it means she gets fired... I don't care.

Watch out, Cindy. Watch out.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

disgusting coughing

11/8/2011 11:51AM

Dear nasty coughing man. STOP. Leave and never come back. It's grossing me out and I can't take it anymore. You always come in and cough and hack and clear your throat and I'm about ready to say something to you. So just do us a both a favor, don't make me be rude. Just stop. Thanks.